
1 Week

Dear Family and Friends

Jackson Joseph Robinson was born on June 21st, 2007 around 7:30pm (the time is questionable, if you haven't heard, read on...)I'm not much of a blogger, but thought this might be a good way to keep everyone informed from day to day on his health and to share photos easily. I also want to reiterate how much we appreciate all the help, prayers, and phone calls we have received over the past couple of months....there's no way to express how it has touched us, I don't think I know how to put it in words at the moment...but again, many, many thanks.I'm a little late getting this started, as Little Jackson (LITTLE!!!) has kept us pretty busy, so I may forget some things. For the most part, this is his story....


Monday, August 13, 2007


So, we've all been really crazy busy lately, getting ready for Jackson to come home!

There is quite a bit to be ready for, which seems odd, since he's been officially kickin' for a couple of months. We have to deep deep clean our house, cars, kids, etc. :) We have to prepare a little bit of space for him, being that a little bit of space is all that's left in our house at this point..but actually it's going to be good. Less room equals keeping track of kids better.

Over the past couple of days, he has gone from 3 bottle feedings a day, to every other feeding a bottle, then it was every 2 out of 3, and now the order stands at every 3 out of 4. Maybe tomorrow it will be all bottles...we'll see. Wednesday we take a preemie discharge class teaching us infant CPR and other "preemie" info. Then one night they will ask that I "room in" with the baby, which apparently means that I stay at the hospital a night with him to make sure I can handle it. Seriously? I needed that more when I had my first child...that would have been GREAT. It should be a regular order from doctors when you have your first. Or when you get married. Really, pretty much any major decision you make. Uhhh...yeah, can I room in for this one? Might need some help come about 3am, thanks.

After this, he should be able to come home...so they are tentatively looking at Sunday or so. He'll be on oxygen, and have a monitor that will be attached to him like at the hospital now, but apparently the alarm is more obnoxious than theirs. Should be fun. Guess this means no more ambien; ahhh, the vices we give up for our children. :)

Keep you posted.

Mel, found this just for you...love you.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."--Elizabeth Stone

1 comment:

Annie said...

Little Jackson is amazing

You are all in our thoughts and prayers and your extended family (The Nash's and the Kirkham's)miss you lots.

Keep us informed of his progress
